
壹、甄選類科及名額 Language Teachers Wanted


貳、起聘日期 Starting Date

2018. 08. 01

參、報名資格及條件 Qualifications

  1. 具中華民國籍或外國籍(母語人士)或相當於母語人士程度者。
  2. 擁有國內外相關系所學士以上學位。
  3. 需具外語教學相關領域專長及經驗者。
  4. 具高中合格教師證書者尤佳。
  5. 如為外籍人士需具華語基礎能力。
  6. 具備運用資訊科技融入教學能力者。
  7. 樂觀積極具教學熱忱並能配合團隊工作。
  • R.O.C. citizen or foreign passport holder (Native Speakers Welcomed)
  • Bachelor degree is required
  • Experienced in language teaching or related fields
  • High school teaching license holder is preferred
  • Foreign passport holder must have basic mandarin language ability
  • Must have an adequate knowledge of computer literacy
  • Must have good team work ethic and show enthusiasm for the job
  • Be passionate about teaching and able to collaborate as a team member

肆、應檢附資料 Documents Required

  1. 文履歷表及自傳
  2. 學歷證書影本(具國外學位須經駐外單位驗證並附中譯本)
  3. 教師證書影本(如無則免)
  4. 其他有利審查之文件,如日本語文能力N1合格證書、得獎證明、證照等。
  • C.V. and covering letter (Please include your teaching experience history)
  • Copy of bachelor degree certificate
  • Copy of teaching license if applicable
  • Other language certifications. Ex. Japanese N1 certification, awards……ect.

伍、工作內容 Job Responsibilities

  1. 負責教學活動規劃與執行,包含訂定教學目標、課程範圍、授課內容及準備課程教材、課程資料以及課後作業等。
  2. 依據教學目標授課,並評估學生學習狀況,調整授課進度,進行差異化教學的整備。
  3. 輔導參加語言檢定或協助學生目標之達成。
  4. 協助學校多語情境建置,並結合語言教學活動。
  5. 協助inbound和outbound各項國際交流活動。
  6. 執行所應聘語言之學校國際化相關計畫。
  7. 支援其他校區之教學活動。
  • Plan work in accordance with departmental schemes of work and curriculum programs of study. Comprehensive planning for the language program, include setting a teaching objective, course coverage, teaching contents, preparation of course materials, course data, and after-class homework assignments
  • Ensure effective setting of homework and comprehensive feedback to students
  • Guide students to participate in language examinations and assist them to achieve their goals
  • Help school to create a multi-language learning environment, and relevant language teaching activities
  • Participate in all school’s international exchange activities
  • Undertake courses to enable Wagor to become an international school
  • Endeavor to support other campus’s teaching activities

陸、待遇 Salary


柒、報名注意事項 How to apply

  1. 報名時間:即日起至107年7月31日(星期二)止,一律採網路報名。
  2. 聯絡方式:臺中市葳格高級中學人事室(臺中市北屯區軍福十八路328號);(04)2437-1728#750,751。
  3. 報名步驟:請至本校徵才網(http://recruit.wagor.tc.edu.tw),連結「107學年度外語教師甄選」填寫報名資料,並將大學以上學歷證件檔案(持外國學歷證件者,畢業學校應為教育部認可之國外大學院校,並應附中文翻譯本及駐外單位驗證證明)等各檔案上傳,完成報名手續。
  • Application Deadline: 2018. 4.30 (Monday)
  • For further assistance, please contact Ms. Linda Yeh (Dean of ESL Dept.) 
  • linda.yeh520@wagor.tc.edu.tw

捌、甄試日期 Interview Date

Qualified candidates will be contacted by phone.

玖、甄試內容 Interview Information

Written test, oral test, teaching demonstration, please bring your ID/Passport and all necessary teaching materials.

拾、錄取報到 Reporting Date

To be notified individually by phone.